Food management
in hospitals and nursing homes

Improved nutrition reducing labor and costs

Coquus Nutrition



Coquus Traceability

Better nutrition with technology

Coquus is the application that improves patient nutrition by digitizing the feeding process from purchase to direct selection of the patient to increase safety, improve the experience and reduce costs, administrative work and waste.

Easy, intuitive and very automatic.

Coquus customizes your menus: the revolution of automatic substitutions

Eliminate thousands of hours of administrative work so you can focus on what’s most important.

Adapting your menus to the various characteristics of your diners (allergies, tastes, observations…) is a task that consumes many hours and introduces the human factor in a critical process for patient safety. Coquus performs these substitutions automatically. Your nutrition team defines the criteria, Coquus automatically learns from their decisions and this process becomes automatic, multiplying safety, improving customization and eliminating thousands of hours of administrative work.

Specific benefits for your daily life

Improve patient safety

Dietitians or cooks in communities make hundreds of decisions every day, introducing the risk of human error where technology is infallible. Coquus automates these decisions by putting your organization’s knowledge in your tool, not people, so that all adjustments follow your rules and are always done the same way, without error and regardless of who is in the kitchen today.

Improve the patient experience

There are two key factors in the patient experience. The first is to customize the menu to their preferences, beyond allergens. Coquus automates the customization, multiplying the use of preferences without increasing the workload of the dietitian or the kitchen. The second is to give the patient direct access to his/her menu so that he/she can choose what he/she likes best or avoid what he/she does not eat. The patient becomes more involved in his/her diet and increases his/her satisfaction, which improves the final objective: better nourished patients.   

Reduces waste and costs

Accurate management of requirements, production and consumption history, automation of food intake blocks (planned operations, ECOs, TACs…), etc. eliminates the direct waste of thousands of trays and adapts the entire feeding process to reduce costs without compromising quality. In such an information-intensive process, Coquus automation is an immediate efficiency gain.

Eliminates thousands of hours of administrative work

Many of the tasks performed in your kitchen are repetitive. Dietitians read, interpret, choose, act, and reflect these decisions in your systems to maintain patient traceability. Coquus performs all of these tasks automatically, freeing up thousands of hours that you can spend on the many more value-added tasks to fight malnutrition and make your foodservice excellent.

Comprehensive management control

In Coquus, everything is recorded: who requested a change, who accepted or postponed it, at what time, if it involved the manufacture of a new tray, etc. etc.  And all these changes are linked to specific patients, not beds, generating a single, shared report for both the hospital and its kitchen or concessionaire, allowing total management control and total transparency.

What they think of Coquus

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